A woman smiling as she walks a group of dogs at the park.

Imagine a world where your work doesn't just pay the bills but also resonates with your soul. As an INFP, you yearn for a career that's not only flexible but also meaningful, one that aligns with your core values and allows you to express your creativity. Enter the realm of side hustles – a playground for your passions and a booster for your income. 

INFPs, with their unique strengths of empathy, imagination and a deep-seated desire for authenticity, are perfectly poised to thrive in side hustles that demand these qualities. Let's discover the side hustles that not only fit your personality but also empower you to weave your values into the very fabric of your work.

Understanding INFPs and Their Work Preferences

The INFP personality type is often described as idealistic, creative and driven by a strong sense of personal values. You, as an INFP, likely seek autonomy in your work and prefer tasks that allow you to express your individuality and creativity. The conventional 9-to-5 job may feel restrictive, leaving you longing for work that not only provides financial stability but also aligns with your personal mission. 

Side hustles can be the answer to this quest, offering the flexibility to work on your own terms and the satisfaction of contributing to something larger than yourself. For INFPs, a side hustle isn't just a way to make extra money; it's an opportunity to explore your passions and make a difference in the world.

7 Best Side Hustles for INFPs

Freelance Writing or Blogging

With your rich inner world and natural affinity for language, freelance writing or blogging can be an ideal outlet for your creativity. Whether you're crafting stories, sharing insights on personal growth or advocating for causes close to your heart, writing allows you to connect with others on a profound level. INFPs like you can flourish by using your empathetic nature to resonate with readers and create content that truly matters.

Arts and Crafts Seller

Your imaginative spirit and appreciation for beauty make creating and selling arts and crafts a fulfilling side hustle. Platforms like Etsy allow you to share your handmade creations with the world, turning your artistic hobbies into a profitable venture. As an INFP, you can infuse your work with personal significance and attract customers who value the unique stories behind your pieces.

Social Media Influencer or Content Creator

If you're passionate about a particular niche, becoming a social media influencer or content creator can be a powerful way to inspire and engage with a community of like-minded individuals. Your authenticity and ability to communicate deep emotions can help you build a loyal following. INFPs often excel in creating content that not only entertains but also enlightens and encourages others to think differently.

Online Tutoring or Coaching

Your innate desire to help others grow makes online tutoring or coaching a natural fit. Whether you're teaching a language, offering music lessons, or guiding others through personal development, your compassionate approach can make a significant impact on your students' lives. As an INFP, you can create a supportive and inspiring learning environment that fosters genuine connections.

Virtual Assistant for Non-Profits or Social Causes

Working as a virtual assistant for non-profits or social causes allows you to contribute to initiatives that align with your values. Your organizational skills and attention to detail can be invaluable to organizations that are making a difference in the world. INFPs often find great satisfaction in knowing their work supports a cause they believe in.

Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

For INFPs who love animals, pet sitting or dog walking can be a heartwarming and stress-relieving side hustle. Your caring nature makes you a trusted companion for pets, and this service provides a much-needed solution for busy pet owners. Plus, the flexibility of this work allows you to balance it with other commitments.

Event Planning for Community or Charity Events

Your organizational skills and passion for bringing people together can shine in event planning, especially for community or charity events. INFPs can use their creativity to design memorable experiences that also serve a greater good. Your ability to understand and cater to the emotional atmosphere of an event can make you an exceptional planner.

How INFPs Can Leverage Their Strengths in Side Hustles

As an INFP, your empathy, creativity and adaptability are not just personal traits; they're professional assets. In the gig economy, these qualities can set you apart. When marketing your side hustle, highlight your empathetic approach and how it informs your work. Showcase your creativity through a portfolio or social media presence that reflects your unique style. Embrace adaptability by being open to new opportunities and willing to pivot when necessary. 

By leveraging these strengths, you can create a side hustle that not only fulfills you but also resonates with others.

Challenges INFPs May Face with Side Hustles 

While side hustles offer many benefits, they can also present challenges such as overcommitment or burnout. As an INFP, it's essential to set clear boundaries to protect your time and energy. Practice saying no to projects that don't align with your values or that may overwhelm your schedule. Time management tools can help you stay organized and prioritize tasks. 

Remember also to carve out time for rest and self-care to maintain a healthy work-life balance. By being mindful of these challenges and proactive in addressing them, you can create a sustainable and enjoyable side hustle experience.

Getting Started with Your Side Hustle

To embark on your side hustle journey, begin by identifying what you're passionate about and how it can be turned into a service or product. Start small, perhaps with a project for friends or family, and gather feedback. As you gain confidence, expand your reach by creating an online presence or joining platforms relevant to your hustle. 

Continuously learn and adapt; consider taking online courses or attending community workshops to hone your skills. Remember, the key is to find a balance between your passions, the needs of the market and your personal well-being.

For INFPs, the world of side hustles offers a canvas for your creativity and a platform for your values. Take the next step in your side hustle journey by taking our Career Personality Profiler test, or explore your TypeFinder personality type further with the TypeFinder test. These tests can expose you to options you may not have thought about before but which match your personality and aspirations. Let your INFP light shine brightly in the gig economy!

Truity was founded in 2012 to bring you helpful information and assessments to help you understand yourself and use your strengths. We are based in San Francisco, CA.